Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Handling transactions.
- makeTransaction :: IsCardanoEra era => [TxIn] -> [TxOut era] -> Maybe SlotNo -> Maybe TxMetadata -> Maybe (PolicyId, SimpleScript SimpleScriptV2, Value) -> TxBodyContent BuildTx era
- includeFee :: IsShelleyBasedEra era => MonadFail m => MonadIO m => NetworkId -> ProtocolParameters -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> TxBodyContent BuildTx era -> MantraM m (TxBodyContent BuildTx era)
- readMetadata :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> MantraM m TxMetadata
- printUTxO :: MonadIO m => String -> UTxO era -> MantraM m ()
- printValue :: MonadIO m => String -> Value -> MantraM m ()
- printValueIO :: String -> Value -> IO ()
- summarizeValues :: UTxO era -> (Int, Value)
- makeMinting :: Value -> String -> Integer -> Hash PaymentKey -> Maybe SlotNo -> ((PolicyId, SimpleScript SimpleScriptV2, Value), Value)
- readMinting :: MonadFail m => MonadIO m => PolicyId -> FilePath -> MantraM m (Value, TxMetadata, Value)
:: IsCardanoEra era | |
=> [TxIn] | The UTxOs to be spent. |
-> [TxOut era] | The output UTxOs. |
-> Maybe SlotNo | The latest slot for the transaction. |
-> Maybe TxMetadata | The metadata. |
-> Maybe (PolicyId, SimpleScript SimpleScriptV2, Value) | The value to be minted. |
-> TxBodyContent BuildTx era | Action for building the transaction. |
Build a transaction.
:: IsShelleyBasedEra era | |
=> MonadFail m | |
=> MonadIO m | |
=> NetworkId | The network. |
-> ProtocolParameters | The protocol parameters. |
-> Int | The number of inputs. |
-> Int | The number of outputs. |
-> Int | The number of Shelley witnesses. |
-> Int | The number of Byron witnesses. |
-> TxBodyContent BuildTx era | The transaction body. |
-> MantraM m (TxBodyContent BuildTx era) | Action for the transaction body with fee included. |
Include the fee in a transaction.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> FilePath | Path to the metadata file. |
-> MantraM m TxMetadata | Action for reading the file as metadata. |
Read JSON metadata from a file.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> String | How much to indent the output. |
-> UTxO era | The UTxO. |
-> MantraM m () | Action to print the information. |
Print information about a UTxO.
:: MonadIO m | |
=> String | How much to indent the output. |
-> Value | The value. |
-> MantraM m () | Action to print the information. |
Print a value.
:: String | |
-> Value | The value. |
-> IO () | Action to print the information. |
Print a value.
:: UTxO era | The UTxO. |
-> (Int, Value) | The number of values and their total. |
Summarize the values in a UTxO.
:: Value | The value to which minting will be added. |
-> String | The asset name. |
-> Integer | The number of tokens to omit. |
-> Hash PaymentKey | Hash of the payment key. |
-> Maybe SlotNo | The last slot number for minting. |
-> ((PolicyId, SimpleScript SimpleScriptV2, Value), Value) | The minting script, value minted, and total value. |
Prepare a minting script.
:: MonadFail m | |
=> MonadIO m | |
=> PolicyId | The policy ID. |
-> FilePath | Path to the metadata file. |
-> MantraM m (Value, TxMetadata, Value) | Action reading the metadata file and returning the JSON, metadata, and value for minting. |
Prepare for minting from a JSON file specifying NFTs.